
class AutoTest[source]#

An AutoTest as JSON.

id: int#

This id of this AutoTest

fixtures: Sequence[AutoTestFixture]#

The fixtures connected to this AutoTest

run_setup_script: str#

The user provided setup script that will be executed before any test starts. Deprected, use global_setup.

global_setup: Sequence[AutoTestGlobalSetupScript]#

The global setup that will be executed. This are multiple commands that will be executed in the order of the list.

setup_script: str#

The setup script that will be executed for each student. In this script the submission of the student is available.

finalize_script: str#


grade_calculation: Optional[Literal['full', 'partial']]#

The way the grade is calculated in this AutoTest. This is null if the option is still unset. The value full means that to achieve the second item of a rubric with 4 items 50% or more of the of the points are needed, while with partial more than 25% of the points is enough.

sets: Sequence[AutoTestSet]#

The sets in this AutoTest. In the UI these are called levels.

assignment_id: int#

The id of the assignment to which this AutoTest belongs.

runs: Sequence[AutoTestRun]#

The runs done with this AutoTest. This is list is always of length 0 or 1

results_always_visible: Optional[bool]#

If true the results are visible for students before the deadline. This is also called “continuous feedback mode”. This is null if the options is still unset.

prefer_teacher_revision: Optional[bool]#

If true the teacher revision will be used for testing if it is available for a student. This is null if the options is still unset.

enable_caching: bool#

If true the output of the global setup script wil be cached.